Pengumuman Form Penilaian Kinerja Laboratorium, Komisi Bimbingan, dan Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Form
Dalam rangka meningkatkan layanan labortorium, komisi bimbingan dan program studi teknologi hasil pertanian, fakultas teknologi pertanian, Universitas Jember. Form berupa e-assessment terintegrasi dibuat untuk mengevaluasi kinerja laboratorium, komisi bimbingan, dan program studi teknologi hasil pertanian. Responden pada form ini berupa mahasiswa yang telah menyelesaikan tugas akhir untuk memberikan penialaian objektif sesuai dengan pengalaman yang diperoleh. Harapannya hasil evaluasi dari mahasiswa menjadi bahan evaluasi untuk pengembangan program studi teknologi hasil pertanian yang lebih baik lagi.

Reintroduction of CBEPT Score Requirement (Computer Based English Proficiency)
In connection with the end of the Covid- 19 pandemic, we respectfully inform you that the University of Jember has begun to re-enforce students' English proficiency as one of the requirements for graduation registration. Based on the Chancellor's Regulation Number 17 of 2021, students' English proficiency as evidenced by CBEPT (Computer Based English Proficiency Test) scores must meet the following requirements:
- Bachelor Program (S1) and Applied Bachelor Program (D4): minimum 450
- Master Program (S2): minimum 475
- Doctoral Program (S3): minimum 500
Students' English proficiency test can be done at UPA Bahasa University of Jember or other institutions recognized by the University of Jember. This provision applies to all students who are declared to have graduated (entry of Final Project grades by Kombi) after July 31, 2024.