Course Synopsis
✅ Semester 1
Code: MPK9001
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the principle of human spirituality, individually or socially to achieve happiness in the current and thereafter, through the understanding of his/herself and the universe, which is referred to as the Kauniyah and Tanziliyah verses. The Tanziliyah verse is detailed in aqidah, shari'ah, akhlaq, and Islamic history. The emphasis of this course is on the application of Islam in daily life, based on the Qur'an and the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. see more
Code: MPK9002
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the implementation of the Christian faith to the development of students as complete and new individuals in Christ. see more
Code: MPK9003
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the understanding of faith in the church, and to live according to the church and in society.
Code: MPK9004
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the implementation of the Hindu religion, strengthen faith and belief, and service to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. See more
Code: MPK9005
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the principles of Buddhism and its implementation in daily life. See more
PANCASILA (Indonesian State Ideology)
Code: UNU9001
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the principle of the Five Pillar (Pancasila) as the national system, government system, and society. These principles cover historical background, juridical philosophy, ideology, and understanding of Pancasila as the actual paradigm in social life and nationality. The understanding of Pancasila and nationality is also described in relation to human rights, national security, human environment, political strategy, and national development. See more
Code: TPU1009
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the procedures for interpolation and extrapolation of data groups; functions, how to draw functions with excel, linearization, trigonometric functions, and exponential functions; and the chain rule approaches for polynomials. See more
Code: TPP1101
Credit: 3(3-0)
The goal of this course is to study the kinetics of molecular theory; laws of chemical combinations, atomic and molecular structures; periodic classification of elements, bonds, and chemical reactions. See more
Code: TPP1102
Credit: 3(3-0)
The goal of this course is to study the basic concepts of living systems, cell and molecular biology, mitosis and meiosis, principles of genetics, and developmental biology. Topics covered by this course are cell structure and function; photosynthesis; respiration; evolution; diversity of life and DNA structure; as well as macromolecular biochemical replication. See more
Code: TPP1103
Credit: 3(3-0)
The goal of this course is to study the basic principles of measuring physical properties and Newton's I, II, and III laws. In addition, the theory and calculations of energy and its changes are discussed. In basic physics, the laws of thermodynamics 1, 2, and 3; the properties of fluids and the laws that apply to fluids; wave theory; electromagnetism; optical properties; relativity theory; and modern physics are also elaborated. See more
Code: TPP1104
Credit: 3(3-0)
The goal of this course is to study the basic nomenclature, structure, synthesis, stereochemistry, and mechanisms of organic reactions, the chemistry of organic compounds (alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic compounds, alkyl halides, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, phenols, amines, fats, amino acids, carbohydrates). See more
✅ Semester 2
Code: MPK9006
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the understanding of the rights and obligations of citizens, insight into the archipelago as a living space for the Indonesian nation (Indonesian geopolitics), and Indonesian geostrategy in the form of national resilience as well as the implementation of national policies in the form of politics and national strategy. See more
Code: MPK9007
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the basic knowledge and skills to use the Indonesian language either in written or spoken grammatical for scientific and everyday life purposes. This course also covers principles for organizing structured sentences, paragraphs, manuscripts, correspondence, and other formal writing formats. See more
Code: UNU9002
Credit: 3(2-1)
The goal of this course is to study the techniques and strategies to understand the text in English and to write sentences in English correctly for scientific and daily life purposes. See more
Code: TPP1201
Credit: 3(3-0)
The goal of this course is to study the limits, differentials, integrals, optimization, and their application in food technology and agricultural products. See more
Code: TPP1202
Credit: 3(2-1)
The goal of this course is to study the qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, gravimetric, volumetric, titrimetric, spectrophotometric analysis methods, and chromatography (thin layer chromatography, gas chromatography, and HPLC). See more
Code: TPP1204
Credit: 3(2-1)
The goal of this course is to study the basic principles of microorganisms (topics include: bacteria, yeast, fungi, and viruses; microbial cell structure and function, metabolism, microbial genetics, and the role of microorganisms in disease, immunity, and other elective applied areas). Basic techniques used in the investigation of microbial activity and properties (topics include: handling, identification, and characterization of microorganisms and their activities). See More
Code: TPP1206
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the basics of engineering in food technology and agricultural products which include mass balance, thermodynamics, energy balance, fluids, heat transfer, and power generation systems. See more
Code: TPP1105
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the basic understanding of engineering and technology of food science and technology; phenomena that occur during food processing; food processing principles; as well as how unit operations produce healthy, safe, and high-quality food. See More
✅ Semester 3
Code: TPP1203
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the structure, chemical properties, and functional properties of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Grouping these macromolecules, the types of macromolecules, and the interaction between macromolecules during processing are also discussed. In addition to macromolecules, food components such as water, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and food additives are also covered, especially their relation to the food system. See More
Code: TPP1205
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the various sources of local plant commodities and their characteristics as well as their fresh handling; physiological processes of fresh commodities including descriptions of respiration and respiration pattern; the effect of respiration pattern on commodity shelf life, transpiration, physicochemical changes during product ripening; the effect of temperature, RH, and gas composition on commodity physiology, pathology, postharvest losses; and quality standards. See more
Code: TPP1301
Credit: 3(3-0)
The goal of this course is to study the basic concepts of biochemical structure-function, reactivity, and thermodynamics (biological structures; enzymes; membranes; energy production; carbohydrate, fat, and amino acid metabolisms; signal transduction; membrane cross-transport; DNA replication and repair; etc.), transcription and translation, molecular motors, mechanism of action of drugs, and biosynthesis of natural products, biofuels, and biomaterials. See more
Code: TPP1302
Credit: 3(2-1)
The goal of this course is to study the characteristics of microbial growth; intrinsic and extrinsic factors and their relationship to microbial growth; the principles of food fermentation and the role of beneficial microbes; the role of microorganisms and food spoilage; pathogenic microorganisms, infections and intoxications, mycotoxins, viruses and parasites; the principles of controlling microbial growth; as well as qualitative and quantitative microbiological analysis. See more
Code: TPP1303
Credit: 4(3-1)
The goal of this course is to study the sampling techniques for liquids and solids; the principles of chemical analysis (proximate, vitamins) and physical properties (theory and analysis of texture, color, density, viscosity, OHC, WHC). See more
Code: TPP1304
Credit: 3(3-0)
The goal of this course is to study the principles of food safety and sanitation; the potential hazards (biological, chemical, and physical) that cause unwanted consumer health risks; the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and SSOP (Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures) as minimum requirements to achieve the safety and quality of food; the principles of food industry sanitation including safety procedures for food process, personnel hygiene, hygiene and disinfection, water and air pollution, biofilms in the food process environment, water sanitation (chlorination), pest control, buildings and facilities (equipment); microbial indicators for sanitation, sanitation testing, waste handling; and the principle of HACCP as food safety control, SNI ISO 22000 (HACCP), GMP, SSOP (personal hygiene, equipment, sanitizer material, contamination).See more
Code: TPP1306
Credit: 3(2-1)
The goal of this course is to study operating units that work based on the principle of heat transfer involving a heat exchanger for the drying process, evaporation and cooling, working principles of tools, types of equipment, and material changes during the process, as well as principles of design calculations and optimization. See more
✅ Semester 4
Code: TPP1401
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the understanding of terms in food quality management (quality, food quality, food safety, quality control, quality assurance, and total quality management), functions and programs of food quality assurance, standards and specifications for food product, certifications for food and halal product, quality system audit (audit function, type of audit, and competence of quality system auditor), and evaluation of food quality assessment system (sampling technique, determining sample size, variables in food quality assurance, seven tools, attribute charts, and statistical methods for quality control). See more
Code: TPP1402
Credit: 3(3-0)
The goal of this course is to study some topics covering 1) the basic principles of the nutritional value of food and nutrients and their biological functions, 2) the digestion, absorption, and metabolism of essential nutrients, 3) the needs and adequacy of energy and nutrients, 4) nutritional deficiency, 5) interaction of macronutrients-macronutrients; macronutrients-micronutrients; micronutrients-micronutrients. See more
Code: TPP1403
Credit: 3(2-1)
The goal of this course is to study the basic concepts of fermentation/bioprocess technology, the relationship between microorganisms and bioprocesses, metabolic cycles of microorganisms in bioprocesses, biosynthesis of microbial metabolites (primary and secondary), media and nutrients for bioprocesses, inoculum in bioprocesses, growth kinetics of microorganisms, microorganism sterilization process, batch, continuous, semi-batch type fermenter design, bioprocess control, harvesting and purification of bioprocess products, and increasing of production scale. See more
Code: TPP1404
Credit: 3(2-1)
The goal of this course is to study the concepts of functional food and nutraceutical which include the definition of functional food, nutraceutical, and food supplement, active substance, mode of action, and testing methods for physiological, metabolic, immunological, and fitness effects including their examples, as well as planning for scientific, ethical, and innovative functional food testings, and become beneficial to solve problems related to public health, degenerative diseases, stamina, psychological conditions, and work productivity. See more
Code: TPP1405
Credit: 3(2-1)
The goal of this course is to study the unit operations of mixing and size reduction which consist of solid-solid mixing, solid-liquid mixing, liquid-liquid mixing, size reduction, sieving, and extrusion; the application of the operating units in the wheat flour, pasta, and noodle industries; the practical work of determining particle size distribution, uniformity index of solid-solid and liquid-solid mixing, and extruded product making. See more
Code: TPP1406
Credit: 4(3-1)
The goal of this course is to study the plantation products processing technology that refers to the upstream and downstream activities of tea, sugarcane, cocoa, and coffee commodities. See more
Code: TPP1407
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the basic concepts of packaging and storage, packaging and storage techniques which include types of packaging, shape and design, the packaging uses and testings, packaging rules, labeling systems, and equipment for packaging and storage, techniques to estimating the shelf life and expiration date of food products.
Code: TPP1408
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the urgency of enzyme technology, enzyme catalysis (mode of enzyme action; factors influencing enzyme activity and inhibitors; enzyme production technology); introduction to enzyme sources and their production methods; isolation, purification, and characterization of enzymes from plant or microbes; and the application of enzyme in the food processes. See more
✅ Semester 5
Code: TPP1501
Credit: 3(2-1)
The goal of this course is to study informative and persuasive preparation and delivery methods. Topics covered by this course are material selection and organization, methods to attract interest and attention, and delivery elements.
Code: TPP1502
Credit: 3(3-0)
The goal of this course is to study descriptive statistics, probability, normality, estimation, hypothesis testing, statistical inference, and confidence intervals; basic statistical concepts and some applicable simple analytical methods for agricultural, biological, social, and business research; statistical description, probability evaluation, hypothesis prediction and assessment, mean, correlation, linear regression, and contingency tables.
Code: TPP1503
Credit: 3(2-1)
The goal of this course is to study human sensing to observe/measure food characteristics and acceptance, and their application in quality control and research. Topics covered by this course are the introduction to the sensory attributes associated with the quality and acceptability of food products; sensory mechanisms; physical-psychological basis in sensory testing; Good Sensory Practices, including sensory laboratory requirements, panel preparation and selection, sample preparation in sensory testing; sensory testing methods; and statistical applications in sensory data processing; and the application of sensory evaluation in the food industry. See more
Code: TPP1504
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the concept of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), techniques, and their application to food quality and safety. See more
Code: TPP1505
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the regulations in Indonesia that aim to control food conditions, in order to realize the national development goals, namely the whole development of healthy humankind both physically and mentally. Topics covered by this course are limited to the areas of product/manufacturing, marketing and distribution of food from the aspects of food safety, quality assurance, and halal, international food regulations, and food regulations among the nations. See more
Code: TPP1506
Credit: 3(2-1)
The goal of this course is to study the scope of the role and development of pasteurization technology, commercial sterilization, thermobacteriology (technical destruction of heat on microbes, and canning technology (retort) (canning technique).
Code: TPP 1507
Credit: 3(2-1)
The goal of this course is to study the separation techniques which include sedimentation, centrifugation, filtration, crystallization, and extraction. See more
Code: TPP 1001
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the concepts, types, technologies, and applications of smart packaging and biosensors. Topics covered by this course are the definitions and types of smart packaging, modified atmospheric packaging, active edible film, and coating; principles of active packaging testing; other types of active packaging; active packaging applications in food products; biosensor materials and chemical reaction concepts; applications biosensors in food packaging; as well as the latest trend in active packaging technology and biosensors. See more
Code: TPP 1003
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the manufacture of nanomaterials, the application of nanotechnology in food systems, and their safety studies. The development of the application of nanotechnology in the food sector and its remarkable benefits are studied comprehensively. On the other hand, there are concerns that arise from its new physicochemical properties. Therefore, the issue of the safety of food nanotechnology, especially related to “unintended exposure” when applied to food additives, nanoencapsulation, and edible coatings and intended exposure when applied as nano packaging will also be studied. See More
✅ Semester 6
Code: TPP1601
Credit: 4(3-1)
The goal of this course is to study scientific writing and presentation techniques according to the updated and improved standards for Indonesian spelling and grammar starting from word selection, as well as sentence and paragraph constructions. Topics covered by this course are writing techniques for practical work and research proposals, seminar papers, articles for scientific journals, field study reports, and final projects, of which techniques for writing numbers, units, and formulas as well as preparing tables, figures, and graphs are also highlighted. The course also covers the preparation of conference papers and posters and their presentation techniques. In this course, scientific thinking and problem solving in scientific writing are also discussed and practiced, as well as emphasizing ethics and scientific concepts. See more
Code: TPP1602
Credit: 4(3-1)
The goal of this course is to study the concepts of industrial design, raw material selection, material handling, product selection, location, tools, layout, utilities, production management, and scale-up; practical work; technical drawing; the procedure, calculation, and preparation for food industry planning. See more
Code: TPP1603
Credit: 4(2-2)
This course comprehensively combines practical work in the fields of industrial management, food processing, food analysis, food quality assurance, food safety systems, food business, and marketing. This course also uses the concept of food processing which is designed according to the food industrial model. Students can freely choose one of four food processing technologies, namely thermal processing technology, roasting technology, fermentation technology, as well as pasta and cereal technology. A student-centered learning approach is applied in this course in order to achieve student competence to apply food science and technology in the real-life world and to improve student skills. Industry visits are also arranged to provide a real framework of the food industry as well as group presentations at the end of the lecture. See more
Code: TPP1604
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the concept of environmental management, environmental regulation, zero waste; types of waste management utility in the food industry and their processing. Topics covered by this course are the definition and scope of food waste and agricultural products, characteristics of food waste and agricultural products, techniques for food waste and agricultural products handling, techniques for food waste and agricultural products processing, and an understanding of technology for compost, vermicompost, biogas, fertilizer making processes, liquid organics, and feed ingredients derived from food waste and agricultural products. See more
Code: TPP1605
Credit: 3(2-1)
The goal of this course is to study the competence required to carry out effective entrepreneurial knowledge and practical skills in the core areas of food science and technology, in order to build and develop a food-based business or enterprise. See more
Code: TPP 1002
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the physico-chemical properties of oils/fats and essential oils; the process and method of extraction and purification of oil/fat and essential oil; oil/fat breakdown mechanism during processing; quality standards and fat/oil analysis; potential sources of fats/oils and essential oils that can be developed; utilization of fats/oils for food and non-food; as well as the engineering technology of fats/oils to obtain the desired components (chemically and enzymatically). See more
Code: TPP 1004
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the technology used to make natural ingredients-derived flavor and seasoning, either via fermentation or non-fermentation technology. The material is equipped with purification technology and flavor compound analysis techniques. In addition, the material is complemented by discussions of the latest credible research articles on natural flavors and seasoning. See More
Code: TPP 1006
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the processing technology for herbal plants into various functional food preparations in the form of liquid, powder, and encapsulation. In addition to tobacco processing, the technology for processing cigarettes, cigarettes, essential oils, soaps, and various tobacco derivative products is also discussed.See More
Code: TPP 1008
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the processing technology for derivative products from plantation sources and its application emphasizing the trends of technological development. The plantation products include coconut, oil palm, coffee, cocoa, tea, sugar cane, and rubber. See more
Code: TPP 1012
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the appropriate technology to produce compounds from the secondary metabolism of microbes. These metabolites include dyes, flavors, texturizing agents as well as antioxidants as preservatives, and anti-browning compounds. See more
Code: TPP 1014
Credit: 2(2-0)
The goal of this course is to study the use of hydrocolloid compounds in food products, sources of hydrocolloid compounds, their complex reactions with proteins, as well as safety and health aspects of food and agricultural products. See more
✅ Semester 7
Code: TPU1015
Credit: 1(0-1)
This course offers experience-based activities that combine scholarly knowledge and research with practical application. Students are required to produce a report that will be examined.
Code: TPP1702
Credit: 3(0-3)
The internship program is one of the students’ final year projects to complete a Bachelor's degree. This program allows students to kindly collaborate with the food industry for about 30-60 days. This program also requires students to conduct internship report writing and is completed through oral presentation examined by the academic supervisor.
Code: TPT1603
Credit: 3(0-3)
This course gives the opportunity for students to acquire knowledge, life skills, and provide service to the community that needs it most. To complete this program, students are required to follow debriefing lectures, field orientation, community activities, and evaluation.
Code: TPU1008
Credit: 6(0-6)
The goal of this course is to strengthen a set of a mixture of both hard and soft skills through an individual long-form project under the supervision of appointed supervisors. The substantial process must be undertaken by students, which are project planning, research proposal seminar, research result seminar, and undergraduate thesis defense.
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